Thursday, March 22, 2012

Red-Headed Woodpecker

Red-headed woodpecker,
Red-headed woodpecker,
Can you stay up there so high?

I can, I can, I can, I can.
Because of my sharp, sharp claws.
I stay up here
'Cause I like it up here
And I don't want to come
Down, down, down.

Well, bye, bye
Little Red-Headed Woodpecker
Because I must go to the store.
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye,
Little Red-Headed Woodpecker.

Little Teeny Spider

Little teeny spider,
Up there higher
Than my arm could reach--

I don't want to catch you.
I don't want to touch you.
Because you can bite me
And you can nip me

I think it's so funny
That a little spider like you
Could spin a web
As you do, do, do.